Friday, May 31, 2019

Religion in early Virginia :: essays research papers

In a harsh new world, Virginias English colonists were supported by an ancient and beaten(prenominal) tradition, the established church. The lawfulness of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of general life in Virginia, the lines blurred between spiritual and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their post over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legitimate restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a peel for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence.Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans beyond sanction. But English colonists made exclusively fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians come on inland turn up resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in corking numbers until evangelicals began forum Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although just about blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginias celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited heart for African-Americans until after the Civil War.The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of vesture and a desir e for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginias elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provided a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a ministers sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the morality in early Virginia essays research papers In a harsh new world, Virginias English colonists were supported by an ancient and familiar tradition, the established church. The law of the land from 1624 ma ndated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of everyday life in Virginia, the lines blurred between religious and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their power over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legal restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a struggle for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence.Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans bey ond sanction. But English colonists made only fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians further inland proved resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in great numbers until evangelicals began gathering Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although some blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginias celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited meaning for African-Americans until after the Civil War.The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of habit and a desire for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginias elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provid ed a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a ministers sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Use of Clothing in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

Use of Clothing in Their look Were Watching God In the novel Their Eyes were watching God Zora Neale Hurston portrays a woman named Janies search for love and freedom. Janie, throughout the novel, bounces through three different marriages, with a brief stint at universe a widow in between. Throughout these episodes, Hurston uses Janies clothing as a visual bookmark of where Janie is in her search for true love and how she is be influenced by those around her. Janies first article of clothing is an apron that she wears while married to Logan Killiks as a hard working sixteen year old. Logan, who Janie describes as looking like an ol skullhead in de grave yard, (pg. 13) marries Janie to fulfill the role laid down by Janies grandmother, a mule. Janie goes along with this for nearly a year, until change comes pass down the passageway in the form of Joe Starks. Joe is a citified, stylish man with a hat set at an angle that didnt belong in those parts, and he wants to tak e Janie away. Joes dream is to become big man and pleads Janie to take part in his dreams of the future. He proposes marriage to her, and arranges a rendezvous at the bottom of the road at sunup the next morning. Janie is torn because Jody does not represent sun-up pollen and blooming trees, but he spoke of the far horizon....The memory of Nanny was still strong. (pg. 28) When Janie decides to reach the next morning for, if nothing else, a healthy change, she looks down and sees the apron which has stood for all the things she has had to do for Logan, and flung it on a small bush beside the road. Then she walked on, choose flowers and making a bouquet. (pg. 31) When Janie threw the apron on the bush, it represented a major change in Janies life, and a progression from Logan. Janie is continuing her search for true love, although she knows already that Jody is not the perfect fulfillment of her dream, and how she has been affected by Jody already. Life with Jody was a disappointment from the beginning of their marriage. As soon as they arrived in the sleepy burg of Eatonville, Jody was assay to gain

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Process Essay - How to Win an Argument :: Expository Process Essays

Process Essay - How to Win an ArgumentTo win an literary argument one must keep in mind the following factors Is the argumentworth fighting? Do you have the proper background to win the argument? Who isyour opponent? And finally, do I have the proper argumentative behavior. out front getting involved in an argument, you must decide whether or not it iseven worth fighting. Does the subject at hand have any raise to you, does itmake a difference if you win or lose. An argument about Jackie Glesons weightat death, or the amount of torque output in a 1976 Ford Pinto, probably doesntmake much difference to anyone and isnt very interesting. Not getting involvedis probably the best way to go. However if the argument go away decide who gets thebest parking spot at school, or whether you have one week or one month towrite an essay, you may loss to consider getting into the dispute. If fightingarguments is just an ego boost or hobby, then disregard the above. The next item to take into co nsideration is your background on the topic. Youshould never enter an argument you have no information about, because it willonly end in your mother is a ..... insults. In a actual argument, it ishelpful if the truth is on your side, but as weve learned from our politicians,it is not necessary. However, if the truth does eventually get out you may endup expression like a fool. In a multi-sided argument, an argument which is notdealing in absolute truths, but rather different opinions, it is preferable tobelieve in the side you for which you are arguing, but isnt necessary if yourbackground is strong enough. In simpler terms, dont get into an argument youknow nothin about. It is important to know with whom you are arguing. If you are in a relationship(guy - girl), and you are the guy, give up now you cant win. The laws of natureare against you. If you are the girl in the relationship, you dont need advise.It doesnt matter if you are right wing or wrong youve won. Just act upset or l etout a few tears and hell crumble. However if you are involved in a same sex, or non relationship bound, argumentthe game plan is much different. You must have background information, asdiscussed earlier, as well as a knowledge of your opponent. If he has no insightinto the subject and you do, then the upper hand is yours.

Feminist Readings of Weltys The Golden Apples :: Endora Welty The Golden Apples

Feminist Readings of Weltys The Golden ApplesJennifer Thomas writes in her article about a weigh of short fiction done by Carol Ann Johnston. The study targets feminist readings of Weltys writings and focuses primarily on female characters of her works. When discussing The Golden Apples, Thomas determines it was the tour de force, or exceptional achievement, in Johnstons study of Weltys collections.In Johnstons study she writes of the self-realized women of The Golden Apples, using character Virgie Rainey as her example. The critical article contends that in Johnstons study, her selection of contemporary critics Daniale Pitavy-Souques and Patricia Yaeger are excellent choices to include since they had recently assessed Welty within currents of modernism and feminism. She then goes on to critique Johnston for oversimplification of the terms of the stories she is analyzing by citing an example from June RecitalAn angry old man flaps open his bathrobe, exposing himself to young girls taking their piano lessons in June Recital, a display that provides, according to Johnston a blatant show of phallic strength, as he attempts to silence the female voice.In the context of the story, however, the storyteller deliverly voices her estimate of this old turkey gobbler and suggests he poses no such potent threat. Some of Johnstons most convincing readings concern Weltys assignment with her characters, refuting the impudence that the heroine is the authors stand-in. By keeping her eye on the writer of June Recital, Johnston astutely reminds us Welty identifies with Miss Eckhart, but she writes Virgies story. (Thomas)I strongly agree with Johnstons statement that Welty has identification to her characters, whether lettered or not. She notes that although she believes Welty identifies with Miss Eckhart in June Recital, she writes the story for Virgie. Consistently in her stories in The Golden Apples, she writes of sheltered individuals within a close community. Johnston addresses only the identification Welty has to her characters, instead of digging deeper into relational issues. I find it fascinating that in The Golden Apples, Welty paints a picture of Miss Eckharts life as being ideal, free to follow her own passion and art, which in Miss Eckharts case was her piano teaching, or in Weltys life, her photography and even her writing. And at the same time, Miss Eckhart has failed relationships and an overall lonely sense about her.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Ecotopia vs. the United States: The Effects of Sustainable Education Es

School is a fundamental location for the baby birds mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she intoxicates about. In addition to education, simply being a component within the institution alike formulates our beliefs. Schools are a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest C eachenbachs Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecologic utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the united States way of living is immensely different. I am going compare and contrast the wide-eyed educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to moot that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable simply there must be an nonesuch medium that addresses both Ecot opian and United States values to fix greener citizen. The paper of being a green citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making minimal yet expose ecological choices. Teachers hotfoot thinking and beliefs within their students, and elementary teachers within Ecotopia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. There are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who stipulate in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has cover over into the age of biology in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessary to be a greener citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. However, Ecotopia and the United Stat es educational systems do not contrive their students to obtain such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not amend about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultimately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own green ideals and act upon them in which they are able to earn new termination to unsustainable issues. Ecotopia vs. the United States The Effects of Sustainable Education EsSchool is a fundamental location for the childs mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she learns about. In addition to education, simply being a component within the institution also formulate s our beliefs. Schools are a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest Callenbachs Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecological utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the United States way of living is vastly different. I am going compare and contrast the elementary educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to argue that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable but there must be an ideal medium that addresses both Ecotopian and United States values to become greener citizen. The idea of being a green citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making minimal yet better ecological choices. Teachers induce thinking and beliefs within their students, and elementary teachers within Ecoto pia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. There are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who specialize in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has crossed over into the age of biology in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessary to be a greener citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. However, Ecotopia and the United States educational systems do not contrive their students to achieve such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not educated about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultim ately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own green ideals and act upon them in which they are able to establish new solution to unsustainable issues.

Ecotopia vs. the United States: The Effects of Sustainable Education Es

School is a fundamental location for the squirts mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she insures about. In addition to education, simply being a component inwardly the institution in any case formulates our beliefs. Schools argon a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest C entirelyenbachs Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecological utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the united States instruction of living is immensely different. I am going compare and contrast the unsubdivided educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to entreat that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable but there must be an radicall strong po int that addresses both Ecotopian and United States values to become greener citizen. The idea of being a green citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making marginal yet collapse ecological choices. Teachers induce thinking and beliefs within their students, and elementary teachers within Ecotopia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. thither are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who specialize in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has crossed over into the age of biology in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessity to be a greener citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. How ever, Ecotopia and the United States educational systems do non contrive their students to reach such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not enlightened about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultimately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own green ideals and act upon them in which they are able to strengthen new solution to unsustainable issues. Ecotopia vs. the United States The Effects of Sustainable Education EsSchool is a fundamental location for the childs mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she learns about. In addition to education, simply being a compon ent within the institution also formulates our beliefs. Schools are a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest Callenbachs Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecological utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the United States way of living is vastly different. I am going compare and contrast the elementary educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to argue that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable but there must be an ideal medium that addresses both Ecotopian and United States values to become greener citizen. The idea of being a green citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making minimal yet better ecological choices. Teachers induce thinking and beliefs within their stude nts, and elementary teachers within Ecotopia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. There are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who specialize in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has crossed over into the age of biology in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessary to be a greener citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. However, Ecotopia and the United States educational systems do not contrive their students to achieve such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not educated about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultimately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own green ideals and act upon them in which they are able to establish new solution to unsustainable issues.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Between 1820 and 1860 there were a few fundamental differences between the economies of the North and South Essay

?Between 1820 and 1860 in that respect were a few fundamental differences between the economies of the brotherhood and southern. How far do you agree? Between 1820 and 1860 there were problems in America that resulted in the civil war in 1861, the economy affected the newton and South during the civil war, and some major differences helped win the civil war. However this does not mean that the economy had umteen fundamental differences. For example the methods of earning money were different, but boilers suit both earned roughly the same amount of money.Firstly, the main difference was that the compass north relied much more than on money from industry and manufacturing, as they had more connections with irrelevant countries, and more factories were built. In the North in 1860 there were 74,000 factories producing two thirds, of goods for America. Whereas in the South there were only 2 major factors Textiles factory in South Carolina and an Iron works in Virginia set up in 1840. Although they had fewer factories, the Iron works was vital, as it supplied the North with weaponry during the civic war.In 1850 the South only produced 10% of the nations manufactured output. However the South did lack the industrialisation because their agricultural methods were so effective they had no need for change. The South was in any case very traditional and disliked change, whereas seven out of eight immigrants had chosen to settle in the North, and they had seen new ideas in other places in Europe so were welcome to change. This is shown by the Souths labour force being reduced from 82% to 81% over 60 years, on the other hand, the Norths labour force was reduced from 68% to 40% over the 60 years.This is however not a reflection on the North cursorily reducing agriculturally, because they still relied on agriculture, and a lot of the North was still rural. Around the urban areas, the population was increasing as towns and cities were developing swiftly. As the Nort h had smaller but still prosperous farmers known as yeomen, they did not earn as much money through agriculture, because they did not have many another(prenominal) a(prenominal) or any slaves at all, so they could not produce the high quantities that the south did.Farmers that had lots of land were called plantation owners there were many more plantations in the south, and when the cotton gin was created in 1793, there was a boom in cotton, and the benefit of having slaves adjoind. This made Southern plantation owners invest their capital in the Slaves, because they produced so much cotton, which was very lucrative. 55% of slaves worked in cotton which shows how much money was made out of it.The South needed to transport their goods to the North so that it could be transported abroad, but there was a lack of transport in South, as they only had 35% of the train tracks, which affected them in the Civil war. This meant it was fairly big-ticket(prenominal) to transport the cotton, but they still received a good amount of money if they lived near a train track. When the cotton arrived in the North the Lowell factory system meant the manufacturing of it was very cheap, which meant the North earnt a large margin on it.Although the danger of the South investing all their money in Slaves was that when slavery got banned, they confused a lot of money, which was partly why they were so keen to keep slavery. However only one quarter of the population owned a slave, as they were expensive (in 1860 they were $1800 which was double the price in 1820). The Norths economy was based on free labour whereas the Souths was based on slave labour, which meant that the Norths economy was more stimulated by the presence of workers with money who could buy products, which would make money for the company, which in turn would increase wages or hire more workers.The Souths economy was largely devoid of this benefit. Essentially, the economy in the South was weaker and only based on a few important exports (cotton, tobacco, and sugar). This made the South less diversified, as they focused their sales on cotton. Another difference is tariffs in 1828 congress passes a controversial high protective tax. This majorly benefitted the North as they were the main distributors. However the South were very worried about this because they believed that if they stopped buying the expensive foreign goods, then foreign countries would stop buying their goods, as they would have tax on them too.This affected the economy until the tax was promised to be reduced after the legal philosophy in 1833. In contrast the North and South didnt have many fundamental differences. They both created a lot of money, and were not lacking at all, the only difference was the method in which was used to make the money. The economic diversification was similar too, as 10% of Northerners owned 68% of the wealth, and the wealth was prevail by the plantation owners, called oligarchies, as there w ere few free-soilers. 12% of the plantation owners owned half the slaves.This shows that there were few farmers, but the big plantations owned many slaves. Even though the North seems to be more industrial, the South also made efforts to modernise industrially, but they reasonable lacked because of the closed opinions of the southerners. Also not many people in the North and the South owned slaves, it was more of a rare thing, and the main owners, owned a large amount of slaves. However there was a larger need for slaves in the South, because there was cheap labour force from Europe settling in the North which meant slaves were more expensive so were not deemed as important.Overall I think there were many differences between the North and South between 1820 and 1860. Some affected the outcome of the Civil war such as the transport boom, and the industrialisation in the North, but a fundamental point is that numerically they have equal amounts of income there were just different met hods to earning the money. However the differences were major the amount of industrialisation, and amount of agriculture, the manufactured output, and the need for slaves, was all very different for the North and South. The main similarity was the economic diversification.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Systems Development Life Cycle

* Write a 200-word paragraph outlining the phases of SDLC and identifying the different personnel that participate in this execute. There are many phases involved in SDLC, starting from the beginning is system investigation. This involves professionals looking into the business problem that needs to be solved, and also taking a deeper look at the problems that could come while developing an IT system for a business. The second stage, systems analysis, can only begin once the development pop has been approved. Once approved, a team of workers begin the system analysis.They go into more detail about what the business problem is, how it will be solved, and the very peculiar(prenominal) information needed to find the solution. Once that is finished system developers begin the system design phase. It must be explained how the system will accomplish its task. quartern is programming, computer programmers must fully explain the specific design into computer code. Many times the compute r programmers work in teams, because of how detailed and how long the process can be. Proper testing is then needed to be sure that computer code can work, and do exactly what the troupe needs to IT program to do.The next phase is then changing from the old system, and transferring to the new system. Three strategies are used to aid in the implementation phase direct conversion, master conversion, and phased conversion. The operation phase can then begin, where the new system is now the system the company uses. Last is maintenance, which many times will continue the all in all time the system is in operation. There is debugging and updating done so that the system can continue to be used for the company and meet the companys needs.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Fitzgerald the Misogynist Essay

At first, the female characters in Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby seemed to be rather dissimilar. Daisy was the sainted and innocent beauty, Jordan was the androgynous golfer, and myrtle was the sensuous and vivacious seductress. One was from the holy heavens above, another from the sinful depths below, and the last from the neutral in between. Seems like a good balance, however, as the story progresses, we see more and more that the angle is a magnetic inclinationen one, and that the human is a demon in disguise. All third wo workforce in this novel use men in some form to get what they want. Looking at the depictions of the female sex in this novel, I deliberate that, yes, Fitzgerald was a misogynist.Daisy is a careless siren who uses everything given to her by birth to win what she enjoys, namely attention, adoration, and social status. The only thing that will give her the tercet is wealth, and the only thing that can give her wealth is tomcat Buchanan. Despite having suppos edly change her mine (Fitzgerald 74) just prior to their wedding, Daisy still married Tom Buchanan without so much as a shiver (75), and very eagerly uses her new-found money and power to buy her way to the top. It is evident that, from Daisys point of view, true love cannot compare to the money and adulation she craves.Upon her reunion with Gatsby, the first in five years, she breaks down into tears because shes never seen suchbeautiful shirts before (89). The beautiful shirts owned by Gatsby subscribe to proven to Daisy that he is even wealthier than Tom, and this fact sends Daisy into a deep lament. That is, if she had just stayed with Gatsby from the beginning, shed be receiving even more attention and adoration than the already commodious amount she possesses at present because Gatsby could have offered her even more than the immense fortune she already holds. Poor, poor girl.Jordan is the least female of the three females, and I swear this is the reason why Fitzgerald did n ot have her meet an untimely death, destroy familial relations, or come to any other end she could have at the mercy of a cleaning woman-hater. Jordan is representative of the wives and daughters who emerged from WWI as androgynous, self-esteemed, and slightly misandric new women. When ding first meets Jordan, she was perceived as balancing something on it her chin which was quite likely to fall (14). Though it isnot directly stated, I think Jordan is balancing men on her chin. New women like Jordan dont need men, and thus they must use men to prove just that.Myrtle is the home wrecker of the novel. As a direct result of her affair with Tom, she gets herself killed, which leads Wilson into shooting Gatsby, which obviously puts an end to the Gatsby and Daisy affair, the result of which leaves Nick disgusted and breaks it off with Jordan. Besides ruining the lives of everyone around her, Myrtle also meets the most tragic end of all the females in the novel. She is killed on impact i n a gruesome car accident, while both Daisy and Jordan are at least left with the prospect of a fresh start. I believe this is because Myrtle is the most feminine of the three. Nick describes her as sensuous, and despite possessing no facet or gleam of beauty, there was an immediate perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering (28). If Fitzgerald was not a misogynist, then how could someone whose vice is simply being too much of a woman deserve an end as graphic as a left breast hanging loose like a flap (131)?This novel is sure not one of happily ever afters, and I believe the fact that women are portrayed as the causes of all the tragedies within this novel is reason abounding to proclaim Fitzgerald as a misogynist.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Role of Climate Change on Our Nation’s Infrastructure System

The Role of modality permute on Our Nations Infrastructure SystemIntroductionInfrastructure plays a critical function in everybodys day-to-day life, but nearly people dont recognize but how extended that function truly is. Whether its going from one topographic point to another, utilizing power, imbibing tap H2O, or blushing a lavatory substructure helps us populate our lives to the criterion that we get to become used to and obligate our economic organisation traveling. There are many f forgeors that need to be considered when measuring the current and future province of substructure wellness. One factor is the number of a altering clime, but it is hard to gauge merely how it pass on impact our substructure remains since its hereafter impacts stack merely be almostly anticipated. In this paper I will look into the function substructure plays in the aiding and deterring of clime revisal, the current and future province of our substructure and how climate alteration can impact it, and possible solutions through invention in policy and aliment to assist minimise the effects.History of SupportEver since President Woodrow Wilson sign-language(a) the federal-Aid Road Act in 1916, the nature and extent of the federal authorities in the edifice, maintaining, and post of the corporate states surface substructure system has been broad ranging. The 1916 act launched the Federal-Aid Highway Program, every bit good as presenting the States with grants to assist in the building of roads that would be used in mail bringing. The mandate of the topic System of Interstate and Defense Highways and the creative activity of the Federal Highway Trust Fund in 1956 marked a dramatic heightening of the Federal g overnments impact in the creative activity of the nations roadways by making the model for a national r come to the foree system and a support system for roads to be created 1 . The basic construction for federal support of substructure was put down up so that federal financess could be tending(p) to the States by undertakings submitted for blessing, and so if the political platforms were approved for the financess they would have a part of cost, and the remainder of the support is required by the State and local authoritiess that need the undertaking accomplished 2 . Since so most federal support has been granted though extensions of old Acts of the Apostless and the procedure of how assistance is given has remained largely unchanged over this cut short. A cardinal ground for the age of many substructure systems is due to the aggressive disbursement on substructure that was initialized in the late 1930s through the primeval 1940s by President Roosevelt, normall(a)y referred to as the New Deal Programs, which used big sums of federal financess to make the footing of many of our roadway and galvanizing systems. Much of the substructure built during this clip has non been undated since it was originally built.The sum of suppor t for substructure has varied over clip but it has been at a degree under what it needed to be at to supply a strong and efficacious system. Through history there has been a spread amidst what was needed for substructure and what was very spent. On mean merely about 2.4 % of our GDP is spent on substructure in America. To compare, Europe spends about 5 % and China spends about 9 % of their GPD on their substructure. This deficiency of disbursement and development in substructure has led to our current ranking of 15Thursday, out of the 32 OECD states, in footings of our overall satisfaction of our roads and main roads 2 .Current province of InfrastructureThe systems of substructure in America are presently in one of the poorest provinces in the countrys history. The American Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE ) release a study card rating at least 12 of the countrys substructure systems every four old ages traveling back to 1998, in that clip they have released 5 study cards with the most recent being in 2013. The overall GPA of our countrys substructure has been given a class of D three times and a D+ two times, with the 2013 study card giving a D+ . A hapless and inefficient substructure system is non merely insecure, but it at any rate exacerbates fuel and energy ingestion, creates extra injury to the environment through pollution and taint, and at any rate wastes peoples clip and money. ASCE estimates that the sum of support needed to growth each class to a class of a B, considered to be in a good province, by 2020 is $ 3.6 trillion. However, the estimated support by 2020 for all the classs is estimated to be merely about $ 2 trillion, go forthing a $ 1.6 trillion support spread which will surly take to an substructure province that is at a same degree that we see now 3 . With an expected substructure province to stay in hapless conditions, an added challenge in the appraisal of future impacts by clime alteration on substructure arise when finding how pieces and parts that are already stressed and aged will react to climate alteration. We can analyze how new parts will respond by preforming trial in labs to imitate clime alteration effects on them to see how the evaluate of impairment could perchance play out over clip, but seeking to detect how fast the altering rates of parts that have been used over the past decennaries is difficult to precisely quantify.Infrastructure and Climate ChangeInfrastructure plays a big function in our nursery gas emanations and depending on the conditions of the system it can either assist us in the chase of diminishing emanations or it can be an added releaser of emanations. Many of the solutions to the jobs in our substructure system besides have the potency to assist out other jobs in the system every bit good as to assist diminish our usage of fogey fuels. An efficient transit substructure system is critical to assist swerve our oil use, co2 emanations, and increase productiveness. Traffi c congestion on roads consequences in 1.9 billion gallons of gasolene to be burned per twelvemonth, and the costs to drivers is over $ 100 billion in wasted fuel and lost clip. A new and efficient air traffic control systems we would salvage around 3 billion gallons of jet fuel a twelvemonth from being wasted 1 . On the other manus if we increase peoples ability to use public transit and mass transit helps the positive effects could ripple through many countries of transit and public wellness. Increased usage of public and aggregate transit would assist to maintain autos off the route, particularly during peak transposing times. This would keep on the consequence of non merely cut downing traffic conditions, which would assist to relieve around of the otiose gasolene thats burned eyepatch waiting in traffic, but to besides halt the combustion of gasolene by all the people who normally drive a auto. With less people really on the roads, the conditions of the roadways will be m aintained for a longer clip, which once more has the consequence of cut downing traffic and wasted gas burned while waiting in traffic. Plus, taking more autos off the route during the early hours should assist to cut down the sum of smog formation in some high-dense metropoliss.Most of the effects of clime alteration will hold some impacts on different countries of the substructure system. A big factor to the substructure system is the addition in big precipitancy events, an addition in planetary sea degrees, and the addition in utmost conditions events 4 . With increasing events of big precipitation our dikes, imbibing and waste H2O systems, and levees will all be subjected to new stressors that can worsen the procedure of early weakness and pre-mature impairment 5 . maunder the mean age of all the states dams to be 52 old ages old, and that approximately 17 % of them are considered high risky, the emphasis from the addition of flows coming in from associate H2O ways added to the addition of heavy deposits that big precipitation events bring into the H2O system which hurt the overall wellness of a dike, their length of service is expected to diminish. The imbibing and waste H2O systems is expected to endure from many of the same emphasis as dike will, except the excess H2O will besides be coming from our sewerage system so that big urban countries will see big impacts from the high sum of paving that helps move excess sums of H2O into the system. Large sums of precipitation and the addition of the sea degree will stretch our levee system with added stressors that can give a possible insalubrious failure that could be every bit annihilating as a dam failure. Both dikes and levees hold back H2O that could potentially deluge most of the coastal and low lying countries. Extreme conditions events are the chief causes for many of the energy grid power breaks. Breaks can be caused from knocked over tree limbs on power lines, implosion therapy of transmitta l Stationss, to the devastation of grapevine subdivisions 3 .In America, our substructure is presently in an abysmal province, and with support for the hereafter projected to hardly track half of what it will take to convey it into a good province it is safe to state that it will go on to let down.Decision and How to anticipateThe chief stressors associated with substructure development are from the continual lacking of support and an overall absence of a big scale leading function in footings of establishing when and what undertakings are taken on so to most expeditiously finish staying undertakings so that their benefits will assist other unfinished undertakings or wont be negated because of unfinished undertakings. All of the systems of substructure are connected the quality of H2O downstream of a river is effected by the quality that has been put out upstream and if a main road outside a metropolis has awful route conditions people and concern are less likely to go and devo ur in that metropolis even if the citys roads have all merely been repaved. With this in judgment, the manner we choose the following set of undertakings to undergo demand to be picked with careful consideration to how its betterments will impact other undertakings still necessitating completed. The ability to implement this sort of planning is presently really hard though, because support is progressively being moved from big supervising bodys to smaller and smaller 1s. Federal support for substructure investings have been continuously shriveling over the past twosome decennaries which has led to the States, and progressively even more so the local and municipality authoritiess that are forced to come up with the support spread. With a lessening in centralisation of undertaking planning, along with an addition of undertakings that have to be delayed due to miss of financess that need to come from the rubbish provinces budgets or till adequate financess can be raised by a local or municipality authorities, the ability now to integrate a program for phasing in different undertakings is acquiring progressively harder.When be aftering the range and particulars of a given undertaking factors such as sustainability, resilience, and the continual care and up-keep demand to be primary for any planning of substructure. The transit systems, H2O intervention systems, and flood control systems being built today must be able to notice for both current and future challenges that are likely to be confronting them. Infrastructure needs to be built with future population motion in head as good, so when new systems are built or betterments are made to the bing substructure it needs to be able to manage tonss much greater than what it presently needed or a design for a system needs to be scaled so its merely responsible for a smaller population denseness. In add-on, funding for research and development at all degrees need to be implemented so the development of new and of al l time more efficient methods and stuffs for the edifice and maintaining of substructure can go on. future tense development besides needs to let for easier and cheaper betterments and ascents over the clip of its usage. Future care can be done more easy if they are built to let replacing over different clip intervals so that when it comes clip for the necessary betterments to be made it doesnt demand to be all at the same clip. While funding demands to be increased from both reclusive and public sectors, the users of the substructure demand to larn and besides pay the appropriate monetary value for them to utilize it.Mentions 1 ( 2012 ) Highway Funding. Congressional Digest. Volume 91, incommode 7, pp. 194, 195, 224. 2 ( 2012 ) Surface Transportation Policy. Congressional Digest. Volume 91, Issue 7, pp. 196-199. 3 ( 2013 ) 2013 Report Card for Americas Infrastructure. 4 IPCC, 2007 Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2007 Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribu tion of Working. chemical group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. new wave der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds. , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 7-22. 5 Hall, David. Corps of Engineers Studies Will Inform Response to Climate Change. Civil EngineeringJuly-Aug. 2013 20-23. Print 6 IPCC, 2007 Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2007 Extenuation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment. Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change B. Metz, O.R. Davidson, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A. Meyer ( explosive detection systems ) , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 7 IPCC, 2013 Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2013 The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Stocker, T.F. , D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley ( eds. ) . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 8 ( 2011 ) Failure to Act The Impact of Current Infrastructure Investment On Americas Economic Future.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Survey Report

The aim of this report is to present the findings of a survey carried out in order to determine the public perspective and performance of Lambshorne Town Council. The data included in this report was obtained from a random sample of 1,000 people.ServicesOn the whole, the ratepayers of Lambshorne show dissatis featureion with the services provided by the Council. A significant per centage snarl that neither baulk collection nor recycling facilities are adequate, as illustrated by the fact that over half of those questioned mat that these are poor. On the other hand, a large proportion of the public was of the opinion that maintenance of public buildings is satisfactory, which is shown by the fact that forty-nine per cent of those questioned expressed their approval. This is further emphasized by the fact that fifty-one per cent of those surveyed commented favorably on the restoration of the Corn Exchange building.AmenitiesIt is generally felt that public facilities are of high s tandard, as shown by a large proportion of those surveyed expressed satisfaction with amenities. Furthermore, sixty-eight per cent of those questioned indicated the excellent condition of the new sport center. The fact that only eleven per cent of respondents gave a negative response concerning public parks indicates that ratepayers are mainly satisfied with its conditions. Opinion was mixed regarding other amenities, with an almost equal number of sizeable and Poor assessments. In particular, thirty two per cent of those surveyed mentioned that Maplegrove Housing Estate needs more street lights.Council EfficiencyOn the one hand, it is generally felt that staff efficiency is not adequate which is shown by the fact that majority of people expressed dissatisfaction with staff efficiency. On the other hand, the significant percentage of those who responded expressed satisfaction with cost efficiency of services. Opinion was mixed regarding the helpfulness of staff, with an almost equa l distribution of Good and Poor assessments. The sixty-four per cent of people were of the opinion that Council has too many employees for work done.RecommendationsOn the bases of the findings on services, it would seem that services provided by the Council need to be improved. The main weaknesses of services are the lack of refuse collection and recycling facilities. As the assessments of amenities indicate, public parks and recreation facilities are satisfactory. My recommendation is, therefore, that more street lights should be set up. Based on the opinion regarding the efficiency, I would recommend that staff efficiency should be revised.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Barilla’s manufacturing Essay

Manufacturing samphire has 25 plants, including ample flour mills, pasta plants, and freshly bread, as well as plants producing specialty products. Raw materials, in the manufacturing process, were transformed to packaged pasta on fully-automated 120 meter long production lines. The plants were vary by the type of pasta they would produce, with the primary distinction based on the composition of the pasta, e.g. dry or fresh pasta, pasta with or without eggs and spinach. Also, flush within the same family of pasta products, individual products were assigned to plants based on the size and shape of the pasta. The manufacturing process at Barilla was very precise, and required arch heat and humidity specifications in the pasta dry process, so as to keep the changeover cost low and quality high.DistributionBarilla shared out its products into dry and fresh product categories and maintained a different distribution system for the two categories. The dry products category includes dr y pasta and longer shelf-life bakehouse products, whereas, the fresh products category includes fresh pasta products (with 21-day shelf life) and fresh bread (with unmatched-day shelf life). Barilla had two central distribution centers (CDC) to which the products shipped from the plants. The fresh products were and then purchased from these CDCs by free-lance agents who then channe conduct the products through 70 regional warehouses located throughout Italy.From the CDCs approximately 65% of the dry products went to the tops(predicate)markets, 70% of these (65% of dry products) went to super market chains, whereas, the remaining 30% went to independent super markets. The remaining 35% of dry products were distributed from the CDCs to Barillas internally owned regional warehouses, which then distributed them to smallindependent shops Signora Maria Shops.Dry products destined for supermarket chains were distributed from the CDC to the chains own distribution organization, known as Grande Distribuzione (GD). While those destined for independent supermarkets were distributed from the CDC to a distributer known as Distribuzione Organizzata (DO), which acted as a centralized buying organization for a large number of independent supermarkets. The CDCs held a months inventory for dry products, and 3 days for fresh products. The GD, DO and the internally owned regional warehouses (for Signora Maria shops) held a two-week supply for Barillas dry products. The following figure (Figure 1) shows an illustration of Barillas distribution system for dry productsFigure 1 Barillas Distribution Network for Dry ProductsWhat is the bother faced by Barilla? What do you think are the factors causing this hassle?Barillas pasta supply chain suffers from classic bullwhip-effect problem. It has been experiencing large amounts of variability in inquire resulting in operational inefficiency and increase manufacturing, inventory, and distribution costs. The underlying factors of the fluctuating demand include Barillas sales strategy relying heavily on the use of promotions in the form of price, transportation and volume discounts sales representatives creation rewarded based on the amount of product sold to distributors, which led to sales representatives trying to push product to the distributors during promotions, decreasing the ability to accurately forecast sales the distributors having full control over their orders leading to gaming behaviors and the wish of a computer forecasting system at the distributor level.Describe the solution proposed by Brando Vitali. Why do you think this would help alleviate the problem?Brando Vitali suggested the implementation of a Just-In-Time Distribution(JITD) strategy, which is essentially the Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) strategy. Barilla will be in charge of the channel between the CDCs and the distributor and decide on the timing and size of shipments to its distributors. Thus, unlike traditional supply ch ains in which distributors place orders and manufacturers try to satisfy these orders as much as possible, in JITD Barillas own logistics organization would specify the appropriate delivery quantities those that will more effectively meet the end customers needs nonetheless would also more evenly distribute the workload on Barillas manufacturing and logistics system. If implemented, Barilla can make better delivery decisions and improve its demand forecasts, be more effective in meeting end-customers needs, and more evenly distribute the workload on its manufacturing and logistics systems. Also, the inventory levels at CDCs will also be reduced.What conflicts or barriers internal to Barilla does the JITD program create? What causes these conflicts? How should Giorgio Maggiali deal with these internal conflicts?The main resistance internal to Barilla was from the sales and marketing functions, which Barilla, until now, has relied upon for its success. The sales representatives fear ed lessening in both their responsibilities and bonuses due to a flatted sales level. The marketing people also feared a reduction in responsibilities as trade promotions would be baffling to run with a JITD strategy. There were also concerns about inability to adjust shipments quickly to stock outs, lack of infrastructure to handle JITD, vague cost benefits, and increased competitor shelf space at distributors.I think Maggiali should demonstrate that JITD benefits not just Barilla, but also the distributors. He should run experiments at one or more distributor sites and prove his case. Also, Maggiali should encourage the marketing and sales people to look at the overall benefit to the supply chain. By get the top management involved, by effectively advocating the benefits for the entire supply chain, and by removing the obstacles of sales incentives and reduced responsibility, Maggiali can effectively deal with this problem and get JITD implemented.How do you think a typical Bar illa customer would respond to JITD? Why? How would you convince the customer that the JITD program was worth trying? If you are not adequate to(p) to sway the customer, what alternatives would you suggest to combat some of the difficulties that Barillas operating system faces?I think a typical Barilla customer, if explained to properly, should be capable to comprehend the benefits associated with JITD for the entire supply chain. I would convince the customer by mentioning the benefits of the JITD in removing the bullwhip effect. I would point out the fact that they would actually be reducing their costs significantly because Barilla would be responsible for monitoring and replenishing their inventories when levels are low. Moreover, the reduced inventory levels would also save them the cost for both inventories and space.If however, I am not able to convince the customers, I will try other modes, in my capability, to effectively respond to the fluctuating demand. For this purpos es, I would either reduce the varieties of products being offered which will reduce the need to have so many different inventories and SKU for both customers and Barilla. I could also try implementing the Just-In-Time (lean production) approach for Barillas manufacturing processes processes which are internal and Barilla has full control over.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Love in Kamala Das’s Poetry Essay

fuck and sex in her poetry become a prototype for fractured realities encountered by the poetess. Essentially she speaks for a wo hu domainkind who is in search of recognise. She challenges the very idea of phallocentric tradition and asserts in poetry after poem that the subaltern chiffonier speak. Post colonialism consists primarily in the contestation of power structures and social hierarchies. For Kamala Das a womans predicament as a daughter , a wife, or a loer reflects a victimization in relationships. Kamala Das revolts against a constructed notion of relationship. Women be not the self-sacrficial model of virtue or promiscuity.The even so premises of male hegemony are violently shaken by Kamala Das who can defy the formulaic ideological discourse of sexism and revel. She herself became a victim of a young mans carnal hunger . In The Freaks, a remarkable lyric which was published in Summer in Calcutta contains a plastic film of love that is full of dirt and filth as the man ensconced in sexual intercourse deflected his sun-stained / Cheek to me , his mouth , a dark /Cavern, w here(predicate) stalacities of / out of true teeth gleam , his right / Hand on my knee, while our minds/ Are willed to race towards love / But they only wander, tripping / Idly over puddles of appetite .The focus on the puddles of desire refers to her unfulfilled sexual desire as her heart remains an empty cistern. Kamala Das describes in The Freaksa man and a woman persona are described as capriciously and whimsically behaving in unexpected manner. The poem celebrates the mood of transitory triumph over the defeat of love My glass , like a brides Nervous smile , and meet My lips. Dear , forgive This moments lull in Wanting you, the blur In memory. Elsewhere in the poem Kamala Das describes the ambience The April sun , squeezed Like an orange in My glass?I sip the Fire , I drink,and drink Again, I am drunk. We get a poignant verbal drama in the expression. The graph ic details of drinking and the April heat. The poem focuses on the in natural passivity of the male partner and yet it ends with the assertion I am freak. This is the identity crisis of an Indian woman who fails to flaunt a grand flamboyant lust in spite of the dissatisfaction. Here the poetess highlight the notion of vehemence and impetuosity with which the poet appropriates and internalizes the vocabulary for mapping out the terrain for the post colonial women in social terms.She secures the first significant step toward the explosion of the myth of male supremacy propagated by patriarchy. This is in itself automatically presupposes the awareness of a shared out fate of injustice. In The subjection of Women John Stuart Mill argues that the principle of servitude in marriage is a monstrous antithesis to all the principles of the modern world. For Mill the most liberating facet is that human beings are no longer born to their place in life.Kamala Das has shown and is very loud in violently showing that to be born as a woman is to lose the capacity to transcend that place in life already determined by patriarchy. Here Kamala Das decides to clear herself as a woman. In Forest Fire the poetess minces no word in recording her innate desire to consume all sorts of experiences in this world Of late I have begun to feel a hunger To take in with greed , like a forest-fire that Consumes , and, with each killing gains a excited Brighter charm,all that comes my way.A little later the fury of passions gets the most of her My eyeball lick at you like flames , my nerves Consume. This is not a refusal to acknowledge the tenets of valorization in manlike terms. We encounter in these lines paradigms of transgressions in the discourse, the female playing the male parting . The readers are more directly taken into a womans following for identity when the poetess can say in The Looking Glass Getting a man to love you is easy Only be honest to the highest degree your wants as Woman.Kamala Das does not describe how man loves a woman, she is more interested in telling how a woman can get the love of a man Stand nude before the glass with him So that he sees himself the stronger one And believes it so, and you so much more Softer , younger, lovelier. Admit your Admiration. This is not prompt for female hegemony further the quest for identity in a female mind. Surrendering is an image in the poetry of Kamala Das Gift him what makes you womanThe woman here knows that she will be left alone if the lover forsakes her. A lustful woman rarely succeeds. Getting a man to love is easy but afterward without the man it is a living without life. Joan Chittister writes In the end women like other minorities who have been taught their natural limitations by the dominant culture in which they live, turn their anger against themselvesThey know that women can not do what men can do, and they resent and s ice-cold and criticize any woman who tries to do it. The y become the instruments of the system, its double-dyed(a) product, its most important achievement. 156) Simultaneously, in a poem like My Grandmothers House published in Summer in Calcutta , there is a note of nostalgia in the depiction of the care-free days of childhood There is a house now far away where once / I received love . That woman died. In this poem the poetess felt My blood turned cold like the moon. The moon is a romantic image. But Kamala Das employ it so realistically to reveal her broken heart and lost love. Bedroom door is like a brooding dog. The poetess peers through blind eyes of windows.The polyphonic text about identities with the autobiographical voice multiply itself into myriad selves. K. R. S Iyengar characterizes some of Kamala Dass poems as confessional. Devinder Kohli calls her poems candid and witty break up of self-revelation In the confession, Kamala Das poignantly tries to straddle both worlds the secret world of her desire and the world de fined by the male chauvinists. But she is left with no option but to conform to the stereotype of the sexual patriarchal man even when it outlines a mandate of a society that loathes any challenge feeler from the females.The poetess tries to negotiate sexual difference, but the importance lies rather in the way it showcases male chauvinism in a patriarchal ideology constructing patterns of fixated behaviours exalting them as normal. Individuals in this quest of identity socialized themselves into a locus of role specificity which in the case of a female disrupts the orientations. It is the crisis of the role that sustains the split between the role the character plays in Kamala Das poems. Spoiling the Name presents effectively one of Kamala Das central insights, as Devinder Kohli points out , the commitment of her poetic self to experience.The sighs are metallic , limbs are curled at the touch of air (A Relationship)and nudity on sheets of weeklies( Loud Posters ). Kamala Das mocks her feminine integrity ( Sarkar Jaydip84) when she finds in a shamefully helpless situation as in The Freaks with the lover whose mouth is a dark Cavern where stalacities of Uneven teeth gleam It is not that the subversion is apparent everywhere. Women also gravitate from aspiring to be transgressive social agents to artitculating their muted histories, finally pointing up the truth that they were forced to suppress.In the poem Love there is a solemnization of happiness and contentment in love My life lies, content / in you (Sarkar Jaydip 86). The poetess was committed to the sensual world , true, but in her life partner she tried to achieve the shared identity . She sought a life beautifying force of love which might be equated with physical relationship. sterileness and vacant ecstasy were all that Kamala Das abhorred and herein she had her disillusionment. Love that is extra marital was not Kamala Das angst , rather her inner self created for herself a comminuted world in wh ich the trauma of love and marriage were distant cries, hardly heard of.In the Sunshine Catshe depicted the picture of a cold and half dead woman who was of no use to her. The cat might be her own feminine self as well. In Winter , the celebration of sex was a theme,but it was more a desperate attempt of her individual for groping for roots in his body(Sarkar Jaydip 85). As a singer of feminine sensitiveness she protests against restraints of society , and simultaneously she shakes off the rigid gender roles , determination triggered by situational factors. In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the human race Male in which sexual orientation was placed on a graduated continuum ( Kinsey 638).Kinsey advocated a re-appraisal of the treatment meted out to queer beings by way of isolation and rehabilitation. The hypocrisy latent in marriage is due to societal pressures. In most occasions , the victims in such marriage of convenience is the wife, that Kamala herself was a nd who wanted to express the oppressive bedevilment of her own life. Thus on the one hand, the poems of Kamala Das are visualizations of her own pains, but at the same time they are the demeaning perceptions galvanizing the co-occurrence negativity into a motive for further exploration of female psyche.The fantastically confessional poem The Old Playhouse reveals this agony of the mind of the poetess It was not to gather noesis Of yet another man that I came to you but to Learn What I was and by learning to learn to grow (K. S. Ramamurti151) This is what we mean by pathei mathos,wisdom consisting in suffering, the poetess in stages learning to cope up with demands of the more realistic world and compromising with her dreams as the potential abilities of the human body got stunted by the sterility of the man she loved.We may safely surmise that the poems do not become an erotic world in spite of all the sexual replenishments for the starving soul of a woman. Nor the poems become an articulation of a muted feminine consciousness. Kamala Das exploded the stigma of vulnerability and gained a critical consciousness to stand up to the deforming norms of the conventional intercourses in marital life or love life,whatever it is. It was not in her capacity to reorder the chaotic world into a cosmos.At best she could insinuate some therapeutic rehabilitation of a trauma-ridden woman who survives the psychological abuses, manipulation and a dreariness of emotional desert. The poems serve for such a starving soul as a rallying point. K. R. S. Iyengar rightly remarks Kamala Das is a fiercely feminine sensibility that dares without inhibitions to articulate that the hurts it has received in an insensitive largely man-made world. ( Iyengar 667) . Reading List Works cited Das Kamala , Summer in Calcutta, New Delhi Everest Press, 1965. The Old Playhouse and Other Poems. Madras Orient Longman, 1973. My Story , New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, , 1976. - this evening , This Savage Rite The Love Poems of Kamala Das & Pritish Nandy. New Delhi Arnold- Heinemann (India) 1979. Only the Soul Knows How to Sing. Kottayam DC Books, 1996. Primary Sources . 1. Lal. P. Ed. Modern Indian Poetry in English An Anthology and a Credo, Calcutta Writers Workshop, 1969. 2. Kotoky, P. C. Indo English Poetry, Gauhati Gauhati University, 1969. 3. James ,Vinson (ed. ) Contemporary Poets,New York St. Martin Press,1975. 4. Abidi, S. Z . H. Studies in Indo Anglian Poetry, Bareilly Prakash Book Depot, 1979. . Parthasarathi, R. Ed. Ten Twentieth Century Indian Poets. New Delhi OUP. second Ed. 1980 6. Shahane, Vasant A. and Sivaram Krishna, M. (eds. ) Indian Poetry in English A exact Assessment . Delhi Macmillan, 1980. 7. Rahman ,Anisur. Expressive Form in the Poetry of Kamala Das. New Delhi Abhinav Publications, 1981. 8. Stella ,Samdahl. South Asian Literature A Linguistic Perspective, A Meeting of Streams. (ed). M. G. Vassanji,,Toronto TSAR,1985. 9. Chindhade ,Shirish. Five Indian English Poets , New Delhi Atlantic Publishers, 1996. 10. De Souza , Eunice. Nine Indian Women Poets An Anthology. New Delhi Oxford Univ.Press, 1997. 11. Mitapalli Rajeswar et. al. Kamala Das A Critical Spectrum. New Delhi Atlantic,2001. 12. Gokak, V. K. (ed. ) The Golden Treasury of Indo Anglian Poetry. New Delhi Sahitya Akademi, 2004. . Secondary Sources 1. Kohli ,Devinder. Virgin Whiteness The Poetry of Kamala Das. Calcutta Writers Workshop, 1968. 2. K. R. S. Iyengar, Indian Writing in English , New Delhi Allied Publishers,1962 2nd ed. , 1973. 3. King ,Bruce . Modern Poetry in English, Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1987. 4. Joan D. Chittister, Heart of Flesh A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men Cambridge and Ontario WmB.Eerdsmans Publishing Company, 1998. 5. Alfred C. Kinsey et al. Sexual Behavior in lthe Human Male. Philadelphia W. B Saunders Bloomington, Indian U Press, 1948 2nd Ed. ,1998. 5. Banerjee,Benoy Kumar Bakshi, Kaustav. Studies in Indian Poetry in English, Kolkata Books Way, 2008 6. Ahmed, Irshad Gulam , Kamala Das The Poetic Pilgrimage. New Delhi Creative Books,2005. 7. Ramamurti, K. S. Ed. Twenty-Five Indian Poets In English , Kolkata Macmillan India Ltd. , 2008. 8. Sarkar ,Jaydip (ed. ) Kamala Das and Her Poetry , Kolkata Books Way,2009. - .

Monday, May 20, 2019

Federalist Argument for Ratification of the Constitution

Federalist Argument for Ratification of the report November 18, 2010 Americans, prior to and shortly after the Revolutionary War, were strongly united under peerless opinion. The common belief that America ought to be an independent state, with its own strategy of governing can be found in the literature of each and every colony. However, after the ruin of the first governing document, the Articles of Confederation, delegates met in Philadelphia in order to draft a ruin functioning fundamental law. In this debate, the opinion of America soon became divided.On one side were the supporters of the proposed constitution (Federalists) and on the other the opponents (Anti-Federalists). The Federalists urged their fellow delegates and the province for the establishment of a consolidated national government that gets its power from an energetic constitution. The reason behind this typeset was none other than the failure of the Articles of Confederation. Although the two sides dis agreed over the role and authority of the national government, they did hold one thing in common the Articles of Confederation were inadequate and threatened the preservation of the union.The Anti-Federalists believed that the flaws of the Articles of Confederation could be dictated by amendments while the Federalists combated that claim by suggesting that the material defects that exist in the articles cannot be repaired and thus a new, more(prenominal)(prenominal) energetic, constitution must be drafted. Additionally, the Anti-Federalists sought to support the Articles of Confederation be make out they believed that there are more problems introduced by the newly proposed constitution.They argued that the document would establish an untested form of government and they maintained that the Framers of the Constitution were an elitist base that had met in secrecy in order to empower moneyed few. The Federalists refuted the claims of their opponents in a series of essays that un derlined the next central ideas the benefit of the union to the colonies defense of republicanism in the newly proposed constitution and the necessity of an energetic, proficient federal government. As previously stated, both sides agreed that the Articles of Confederation ere incapable of preserving the union. However, the Anti-Federalists believed in confederated government made up of small republics (as it existed prior to the ratification of the Constitution). If the bulk are to give their assent to the laws, by persons chosen and institute by them, the manner of the choice and the number chosen, must be such, as to possess, be disposed, and consequently sufficient to declare the sentiments of the people for if they do not know, or are not disposed to speak the sentiments of the people, the people do not govern, but the sovereignty is in a few.Now, in a whacking all-encompassing country, it is insufferable to have a representation, possessing the sentiments, and of integr ity, to declare the minds of the people, with push through having it so numerous and unwieldly, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 538). According to their wrinkle, small republics preserve closeness best because citizens of small republics know the elected officials on a personal level and it is this intimate connection that assures obedience of the law.A confederation of states allows for the existence of states that reflect their constituents. In a large republic there pass on be many opinions and laws will be diluted by the number of opinions. This can create booking and threaten the union. In Federalist 10, James Madison disproves this claim by stating the Federalist belief that large republics produce better candidates and a majority that is more inclusive to existing minorities. In the next place, as each proxy will be chosen by a greater number of citizens in the large than in the s mall republic, it will be more difficult for unworthy candidates to practice with success the vicious liberal arts by which elections are too often carried and the suffrages of the people being more free, will be more likely to centre in men who possess the most attractive merit and the most dispersive and established characters (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 465).Madison reasons that in a large state the number of voters and candidates is greater therefore the hazard of electing a qualified representative is also greater. In a small republic candidates running in election can fool voters easier than in a large republic. Thus, Madison, in contrast to the Anti-Federalists, saw the large size of the United States as a help rather than a hindrance to the cause of liberty. due to these qualities of large republics the salvation of the union would be facilitated.Federal inability to enforce laws on the states draws the Federalists to desire an energetic constitution that g ave the government more authority and the apparatuses necessary to enforce its sovereignty. Under the Articles of Confederation, states were left to enforce federal law. horse parsley Hamilton, in Federalist 15, argues that this practice in theory their resolutions concerning those objects are laws, constitutionally binding on the members of the Union, yet in practice they are classic recommendations which the States observe or disregard at their option (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 472).Furthermore, he expands on federal powers and tools needed for enforcement in Federalist 23. In defense of the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution, Hamilton states that because it is impossible to foresee or define the extent and manikin of national exigencies, or the correspondent extent and variety of the means which may be necessary to satisfy them (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 478). The new constitution would enable to federal government to implement its aut hority over members of the union. In a federalist view this is a necessary approach for the security of the union.If the national government is given responsibilities then it ought to also have the tools needed to carry out those responsibilities. The lack of clear and complete separation between the executive, legislative and judicial bodies was viewed by the Anti-Federalist as a reintroduction of a monarchial and tyrannical regime. James Madison, on the other hand, reasoned that the best government of the time, as it existed in Britain, and all of the colonies al run downy practiced the same imbrication of powers that was found in the proposed constitution.In Federalist 48, Madison argues that it is this very overlapping of authority that preserves the separation of powers The conclusion which I am warranted in drawing from these observations is, that a mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits of the several departments, is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 494).He believed that his opponents had read Montesquieu but had not understood his notion of separation of powers clearly. According to Montesquieu, tyranny results when one branch of government simultaneously holds the powers of another branch. However, Madison argues that Montesquieu did not mean that these departments ought to have no partial agency in, or no control over, the acts of each other (Hammond, Hardwick, & Lubert, 2007, p. 490). Thus, the above claim enabled the Federalists to sufficiently settle the argument on this issue.As brilliant as the Federalist Papers were they were not the sole reason that the proposed constitution was ratified. Nevertheless, they aided the constitutions cause by giving the constitutions adherents ideas with which to counter their opposition. The Anti-Federalist outcry was not without its effec ts. With the ratification of the Constitution state legislatures voted for the addition of the first ten amendments. The Bill of Rights, as it came to be known, became an essential part of the document and its legacy of liberty.The ratification of the Constitution not only changed the political culture but also the social. Soon after its approval, American see a social shift as well. Citizens no longer saw themselves as only Virginians or New Yorkers instead they became something larger than that, they became American first and the rest as they say is history.Works Cited Hammond, S. , Hardwick, K. , & Lubert, H. (2007). Classics of American political & constitutional thought. Indianapolis Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Approaches to Organizational Behaviour

Organizational demeanour, relates to the relationship betwixt employees and the employers in an disposal. Both are swear outing towards the realization of the goals and objectives of any scheme, and a close and fruitful coordination betwixt the two is one of the major factors towards this realization. Organizational behavior neares are a payoff of the research make by experts in this field. These experts studied and attempted to quantify research done about actions and reactions of employees, with regard to their work environments.It is a field that has begun developing only recently and new approaches and results are being expounded everyday, as more and more data comes to the forefront. There are various aspects of these theories, since each one deals with complex human behavior. The virtually important ones are the approaches about motivation. All of them are aimed towards motivating the members of the organization into optimizing their per contriveance and thereby resu lting in let on and more improved performances. There are mainly six approaches to organizational demeanour.They are 1) kind-hearted resources approach ) Contingency approach 3) Productivity approach 4) Systems approach 5) Interdisciplinary Approach 6) Scientific guidance Approach * Human Resources Approach The human resources approach is concerned with the growth and development of tidy sum towards higher(prenominal) levels of competency, creativity and fulfillment, because people are the central resource in any organization. This approach help employees amaze better in terms of work and responsibility and then it tries to create a climate in which they undersurface contribute to the best of their improved abilities.Work satisfaction will be a direct result when employees make fuller use of their capabilities. Essentially, the human resources approach means that better people achieve better results. This approach is also known as have gotive approach because the managers pr imary role changes from control of employees to providing an active support for their growth and performance. * A Contingency Approach Situations are much more complex than first comprehend and the different variables may require different behavior which means that different environments required different behavior for effectiveness.Each billet much be analyzed carefully to determine the significant variables that hold up in put to establish the kinds of practices that will be more effective. Therefore a contingency approach to organizational behaviour implies that different situations require different behavioral practices for effectiveness instead of following a traditional approach for all situations. Each situation moldiness be analyzed carefully to determine the significant variables that exist in order to establish the more effective practices.The strength of this approach is that it encourages analysis of each situation prior to action. Thus, it helps to use all the curre nt knowledge about people in the organization in the most appropriate manner. * Productivity Approach Productivity is a ratio that compares units of output with units of input. It is often metrical in terms of economic inputs and outputs. Productivity is considered to be improved, if more outputs can be produced from the same add together of inputs. It helps in measuring the organizations effectiveness, it also reveals the managers readiness in optimizing the resources.Higher the numerical value of this ratio greater the efficiency. further besides economic inputs and outputs, human and social inputs and outputs also arc important. * Systems Approach A system is an interconnected part of an organization or a society that interacts with everyone related to that organization or society and functions as a whole. Within the organization people employ technology in performing the task that they are responsible for, while the structure of the organization serves as a basis for co-ordi nating all their different activities.The systems view emphasizes the interdependence of each of these elements within the organization, if the organization as a whole is to function effectively. The some other key aspect of the systems view of organization is its violence on the interaction between the organization and its broader environment,, which consists of social, economic, cultural and political environment within which they operate. Organizations arc capable upon their surrounding environment in two main ways First, the organization requires inputs from the environment in the form of raw material, people, money, ideas and so on.The organization itself can be thought of as performing certain transformation processes, on its inputs in order to create outputs in the form of products or services. Secondly, the organization depends on environment such as, public to accept its output. The systems view of organization thus emphasizes on the key interdependencies that organizat ions must manage. Within themselves the organizations must trade off the interdependencies among people, tasks, technology and structure in order to perform their transformation processes effectively and efficiently.Organizations must also recognize their interdependence with the broader environments within which they exist. * An Interdisciplinary Approach It is integrating many disciplines. It integrates social sciences and other disciplines that can contribute to the Organizational Behavior. It draws from these disciplines any ideas that will improve the between people and organization. Its interdisciplinary spirit is similar to that of medicine, which applies physical, biological and social science into a workable medical practice.Organizations must have people, and people workings toward goals must have organizations, so it is desirable to treat the two as a working unit. * Scientific Management Approach The fundamental concern of the scientific management school was to incre ase the efficiency of the worker basically through good project design and appropriate training of the workers. Taylor is the father of the scientific management movement and he developed many ides to increase organizational efficiency.Taylor showed that through straightlaced job design, worker selection, employee training and incentives, productivity can be increased. The scientific management school advocated that efficiency can be attainted by finding the right methods to get the job done, through specialization on the job, by planning and scheduling, by using standard operating mechanisms, establishing standard times to do the job, by proper selection and training of personnel and through wage incentives.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Psychology and Social Situations Essay

Providing incentive for individuals to establish a carpool system or fix up the bus instead pull up stakes motivate them to resort to these resolutions although it has been unsuccessful. The government and other organizations that campaign against overdependence on insular vehicles which contribute to heavy traffic should not expect that simply asking the people to shargon rides and take buses in secern to lessen the number of vehicles on the road impart work.People should be granted incentives in adhering to the requests of concerned organizations, such as free fare or transportation on the wholeowances for the people. Organizations and establishments concentrated on a specific location should grant employees with free rides on shuttles that will take them to and from work everyday. This allows individuals to project that sharing rides and taking the buses will save them the fare and lessen inconveniences caused by heavy traffic. 2. From this particular situation, we may d educe the disparity of knowledge and competencies displayed by children.Individual differences also cause differences on the rate of exercise at heart the classroom, such that there are those that excel and those who fail depending on the cognitive faculties. Assignments are provided by teachers not only to reinforce larn and introduce the succeeding lesson, but also to give children the discover to catch up and experience success through home-based activities that allow them to learn at their own pace. Children who are identified to be the lowest-achieving in class think well-nigh their chance of pulling up their grades by spending more time on their assignments and excelling through them.This is the identical reason why excellent performers do not spend more time on their homework, because they already have experienced success within the classroom setting. 3. Providing strengtheners is a good way of motivating children and reinforcing learning. There are various forms of rew ards that teachers will be adapted to use including tangible rewards. Although concrete objects are chartered as rewards, they should be given in moderation. Teachers should intent for other forms of rewards such as praises and commendations, exemptions from school work or activities, and other types of non-tangible rewards.The danger of utilizing concrete objects as rewards is that children will not be able to learn the value of maintaining desirable learning mien in class. Every action that they take will depend on the presence of a tangible reward at all times. In this case, desirable learning behaviors are not reinforced and sustained passim the learning process, and children will only choose to perform well and exhibit good behavior when they go for that there will be tangible rewards made available for them after doing so.To address this situation, academic institutions should consider setting standards and guidelines on how teachers should provide rewards, stressing the need to lessen the use of concrete objects but rather utilizing non-tangible rewards that defecate emphasis on inherent changes and display on desirable learning behavior and excellent learning performances. B. Psychological Disorders 1. The classification of subnormal behavior stems from the need to appropriately determine the medical and passe-partout methods and strategies that will be implemented in order to address problems associated with the variety of abnormal behavior.The classification system of abnormal behavior, peculiarly the DSM-IV established by the American Psychiatric Association or APA, is utilized in order to provide a clear illustration or image of the kind or type of behavior exhibited by an individual. The DSM-IV utilizes atomic number 23 axes that are utilized to categorize behavior, solidifying them into a profile that provides information on the dimensions of particular behaviors. Utilizing classification systems, such as DSM-IV, although convenient al so has flaws or disadvantages, intensifying the difficulty of assessing and classifying behavior.For instance, since the DSM-IV utilizes five axes in categorizing behavior, it becomes a limited means of understanding the dynamics of behavior. Classifying behavior into five categories does not very border on reliability and validity since behavior will not always meet all the criteria of each category. 2. When one is diagnosed with mental or mental put outs, this means that there is something nonstandard and uncharacteristic about an individuals way of thinking and behavior.Having a disorder mean that an individuals life, particularly his functioning, is influenced by its effects building problems and difficulties along the way. The diagnosis will point to possible causes, whether the disorder is caused by biological factors, environmental factors, and such, which affects ones ability to work efficiently, socialize with other people or become integrated into society under normal c ircumstances, etc.After cosmos diagnosed with a psychological or mental disorder, it will also mean that an individual will need to seek professional help in order to determine the root of the problem and disorder and identify possible solutions in order to resolve them. 3. Perhaps it is better to be wrongly diagnosed as having a mental disorder compensate if one actually does not than the other way around because in the process, the individual will still be able to disprove the diagnosis while medical professionals will have generous time to discover the wrongfulness of their diagnosis.One will not lose anything by being misdiagnosed as psychologically or mentally incapacitated, perhaps just time and effort in proving the misdiagnosis of medical professionals. On the other hand, if one is wrongly diagnosed as not having a mental disorder, he will deteriorate the chance of being provided with professional help and assistance as to how he will be able to conquer the problems brou ght about by his psychological or mental disorder.After being diagnosed without mental disorders even if in fact, one is psychologically or mentally changed, it will not be treated right on fuelling the possibility of ones illness or disorder getting worse, while at the same time, intensifying the effects that it might bring towards one life. Missing out on the chance of being treated will neglect damage control allowing the illness or disorder to intensify maybe leading to a state wherein medical professionals will not be able to provide and remember treatment appropriately.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Van Gough Poet Garden vs. Monet Water Lilies

Art has been part of human lives for thousands of years. From the cave key fruitings to alloy frame represent, people have gazed at arts plot of land comparing and criticizing it. It is express that an art is theatrical of an artisans lifestyle and events. Basically Artists paint on the events based on their lives. Such as Cloude Monet and Vincent new wave Gough, their artwork was based on movements of Impressionism and Post Impressionism. Their interest shows alfresco environment to show action of rude(a) sun light or atmospheric light on day to day life scene.Claude Monets urine system Lilies is the great example of outdoor paintings and Vincent wagon train Goghs The tend of the poets is based on two poets combining with the garden that he is referring to. Impressionist Monet was born(p) in France while Vincent new wave Gough was born in Germany. two paintings atomic number 18 two dimensional and same medium Oil on flat solid is affaird. irrigate Lilies was paint ed in 1906 with size of 34 ? by 36 ? inches. forefront Goughs The garden of Poets was painted in 1888 with size of 28 ? by 36 ? inches. Van Goughs painting the garden of poets is based on two dimensions.The subject matter is landscape by using sunlight reflects from the leaves of the trees. Vincent Van Gough describes in his painting The garden of poets, a corner of garden with a weeping tree, grass, round nip off cedar shrubs and an rose bay bush.. There is a citron sky over e very(prenominal)thing, and also the colourize have the richness and fervency of autumn. by writing a letter to his br new(prenominal) Theo by and by arriving in Arles, France. When Van Gogh took a refuge in the Yellow House and he move to paint with quality and style.The garden of poets include a weeping tree and oleander, cypress, shrubs and bushes be colored fluxing lime cat valium while the sky is colored citron yellow indicating at autumn season. In Monets pee lilies, he uses alike colorise g reen and blue. Water is colored blue while lilies ar painted green. Although it does not seem real, he uses colors laid on top of each early(a) to clarify refraction of the light and changing shades of the colors to show depth of the pond. What really separates twain paintings from each opposite is the hidden meaning behind them.For example, when Van Gough painted the poets garden, he included the oleander to represent Boccaccio. Boccaccio was Van Goughs younger friend and protage, the bush and the shrubs in the painting were for his other friends Donte and Petrarch. weeping tree is the symbol for mourning or loss while the cypress symbolizes death or mortality. even out though Van Gogh included feelings for his friends and the poets he admired, the reason why he painted Garden of Poets was all because of Gauguin. In August of 1888, Van Gogh wrote a letter to Gauguin to come and work with him at Arles.His hopes were turned into a disappointment when Gauguin wrote back replyi ng with his debts mounting by the day, his south seemed little and less probable (Thames & Hundson, p 140, 2001). Van Gogh began to think that Gauguin would never want to come to Arles thus he became more frustrated with his life. While residing at Yellow House at Arles, Van Gogh said If what one is doing gives a glimpse into infinity, and if one sees that ones work has its own raison detre and continues beyond, and then one works more serenely ( Thames & Hudson, p 142, 2001).Van Gogh had a suspicion that Gauguin had postponed his trip to Arles was because of debt or the fact the he hated Arles but rather he had another goal in mind. With this suspicion, Van Gogh began painting the Garden of Poets. He represented his disappointment regarding Gauguin letter by weeping tree on with cypress. Van Gough painted based on his feelings while Monet painted random series of Water Lilies. Basically Monet did not have any hidden meanings behind Water Lilies.After acquiring ownership in Giver ny, Monet decided to build Japanease Style Bridge over a pond and had the idea of painting water system lilies where it is a random series of artwork unlike Van Gough. Another contrast surrounded by Water Lilies and The Poets Garden is the use of the colors. In Monets Water Lilies, he uses imperturbable colors to paint water and the shadow of the skies in the water with source of sunlight and atmospheric light reflections. In Poets of Garden, green and yellow are the major colors used and the source of light is also sunlight and he uses heartily colors for the skies to show the autumn season.Autumn season represents Van Goghs feeling towards the painting, gloom and loss. Monet is only interested on Impressionist movement presentation the effect of sunlight on outdoor objects. He does not show any feelings or hidden meanings behind his series of Water Lilies neglect for wealth and ownership. He paints to represent impression of objects similar to photography. In 1893, a few yea rs afterward acquiring ownership of the property at Giverny, Monet purchased a small pond fed by the river Ru, which he embellished as a water garden.Branches of weeping willow and silver birch hang over the water, grasses grew along undulating banks and the pond itself was planted with varieties of water lily.. something for amusement and for the pleasure of the eyes, Monet said. It took me some time to understand my water lilies. I planted them for pleasure, I cultivated them without thinking of painting them. (Judith Bumpus, p 37, 1991). Monet uses arc of the Japanease bridge as a frame to show assorted perspective of the pond as he observes it by changing light and weather. The water surface he draws has a reflective quality on the sea and rivers that had forever intrigued him.He paints water as a still surface, mirror-like transparent. By masking this painting it seems like we are rest on the edge of the water, where reflection of the atmospheric light and trees are seen. The most visible difference between Water Lilies and The Poets Garden is that Monet uses impressionist mechanism to make his painting look like photography. Van Gogh on the other side uses more artistic formal style to finish his artwork. Both impressionist and post impressionist have similar point of view to describe their art work. By comparing two paintings the elements of arts are almost same.Both artists are using sun light as a light source. Van Gogh uses landscape as a subject matter and warm colors to show skies of autumn which he compares with his yellow house and long linear green grass. Monet uses cool colors to show water and light colors to show reflection. The mass of the water lilies are light, the trees in Van Goghs painting are heavy. The weight on the water lilies is not every bit balanced more water lilies are shown on the upper right corner than lower odd corner. Lines are thoroughgoing, curved, thin and soft edged in water lilies. In the Garden of Poets, lines are organic curved, soft edged and light.The shapes are organic, actual, simple and regular in both paintings. The tones of colors are subtle, colors of paintings are realistic and both secondary and tertiary colors are used. The values of lightness are mid-range, high contrast value in Garden of Poets and chiaroscuro in water lilies are seen by viewing in atmospheric light. Monet uses colors in impressionist perspective to show shadow of the clouds. his easel and canvases at the waters edge he could study the play of natural colours and textures among the floating plants and among the fall and frontward of overhanging trees.Monets continuing concern with colour harmonies prompted as strongly emotive response. Foliage and flowers, seen in magical, silverish light, are transformed in glittering greens, blues, pinks and yellows. (Bumpus, p 37, 1991) In water lilies, Monet plays with colors to show the effect of light, shadows and to show depth of the pond. He uses cool colors such as blue and pink tidy sum of the objects seem real, actual and light weight in water lilies, both paintings are two dimensional.The distance is shallow in both paintings, Monet and Van Gogh are not interested in showing illusion in these paintings but they are painted in atmospheric and aerial perspective. Both artists use colors to show the effect of the seasons. Monet uses day light in high contrasting values. he paints in advance the shadows disappear according to A day in the country that Monet paints by using timing and he actually uses different day times to show the difference between lightness and darkness. Both painters are not interested in showing illusions. Monet shows the realistic point of view, Van Gogh on the other side uses artistic point of view. It becomes clear that the garden was really dedicated to Paul Gaugin, whose arrival he awaited and whom he expected to be the new local poet. In his imagination this perfectly modal(a) garden has been endowed with int ensely personal and symbolic meaning. (Bupmpus, p 39, 1991) Van Gogh shows personal intensity for Gauguins arrival. Monet on the other side uses his techniques to show impressionism, he uses paintings in circles and squares to try out different shadings of colors to show dusk and dawn timings in light to dark lights in his water lilies.Water Lilies is Monets experimental paintings the subsequent twenty are much more experimental.. Only three continue the level format. The others are square, circular, or vertical, suggesting monet was testing all of his options(Pls. 221-224). The vertical panels are more venturesome these vertical scenes are sliced down the middle by a meandering trail of sky. (Tucker, p 194, 1995) An art is representation of an artists lifestyle and events. Van Gogh painted The Garden of Poets with very ambiguous passion and emotions.This painting was all about mourning, sorrow, sadness, hopes and dreams. Van Gogh dreamed of working with Gauguin for a while and had hoped that one day he would show up to his Yellow House and work with him. Monet on the other hand was intrigued with impression with out of doors world and how he viewed them. Even though these two famous artists lived very different life style, they both loved art and wanted to express and share their thought with outside world. They both conveyed their message through color, shades, brushstroke and transformed a mere art into a priceless piece.