Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Entrepreneurship. What Have I Learned During The Program And How Can I Essay

Entrepreneurship. What Have I Learned During The course of study And How Can I Apply This In My Future Career A Critical Reflection - analyse ExampleAlongside the development of marketing theory, other parallel streams such as commodity, functional and institutional also experienced tremendous development. The rapid developing, that took place just after the Second World state of war further escalated in the 1960s. This time the thrust was chiefly on organizational behaviour, behavioural sciences and operational attention which also strongly impacted the theories of marketing. The concept of entrepreneurship also evolved during this phase and some of the scholars even deem the evolution of entrepreneurial discipline to be analogous with the theories of marketing (Hultman and Shaw, 2003). It all started with the definition of entrepreneurship provided by Richard Cantillion in the eighteenth century, where he mentioned an entrepreneur to be an innovator. With the course of time, several other practitioners have portrayed their perception and outlooks somewhat the notion of entrepreneurship. Schumpeter (1934) entrepreneur as innovator, Say (1845) entrepreneur as coordinator, Kirzner (1973) entrepreneur as judge and opportunity-seeker and Knight (1921) entrepreneur as uncertainty reducer are some of the excerpt of the thoughts presented by the noble scholars. However, currently the concept of entrepreneurship is widely accepted and is judged as a vital part of the contemporary populace and a well established erudite discipline. Moreover, government of a number of countries also judges entrepreneurship as a mantra of success and development of the economy. A number of typefaces merchantman be traced which prominently showcases, the significant voice made by entrepreneurs to the economy of a country. The importance increases exponentially when it comes to a developing country (Hills and Hultman, 2011). fit to Rae (2007, p.3) an entrepreneur is defined as a person who acts in an enterprising way, and who identifies or creates and acts on an opportunity, for example by starting a new business venture. On the other hand, entrepreneurship is defined as a subject of enterprise and entrepreneurs, encompassing the practical and academic knowledge, skills and techniques used in being an entrepreneur. In regards to this context, Lumpkin and Dess (1996) throw off emphasis on the fact that an entrepreneur can be best judged by comparing the cinque-spot dimensions namely (1) risk-taking (2) opportunity oriented (3) innovativeness (4) pro-activeness and (5) autonomy. An average or more than the standard score in these five dimensions greatly augments the possibility of an individual to become an entrepreneur in the near in store(predicate) (Mohanty, 2005 Hills, Hultman, Kraus and Schulte, 2010 Hultman, 1999 Carson, Cromie, McGowan and Hill, 1995). This study is basically intended to critically reflect upon the learning I received from th e teachers and trainers. In the course module, we have mainly read about the theories and importance of entrepreneurship and critical evaluation of what I have versed during the programme and how can I apply this in my future career. In order to do this analysis, self reflection methodology will be adopted. In this study, I will portray about what I have learned during the entire course and will reflect upon how I can use those learning for my professional career. In this study, I will also develop a career action plan to showcase my future personal development. Self Reflection of Academic and Professional Learning I always have broad(prenominal) interest on computers since my childhood days. However, at that time I was completely unaware of the architecture of a computer. In addition, I was also unaware of the strong research and development activities that took place prior to the development of computers

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